Our Views
Ever wondered what Baptists think about today’s issues? Well, this is what we think about...
- Relationships...
Relationships are important to us. As individuals develop a personal relationship with God, this should flow into relationships with people ~ to immediate family, to brothers and sisters in Jesus, to other groups of Christians, and to the unsaved community.
- Evangelism...
We aim to make friendly, caring relationships with people, to share the Good News of salvation in Jesus Christ, and to demonstrate the fullness of new life in Jesus, who can meet every need.
- Worship...
To meet God and to know Him is our highest priority, both privately and in public. We want our worship to be led by the Holy Spirit giving freedom to exercise all the gifts of the Holy Spirit. We believe God uses music and the spoken word to encourage response in worship to Him. We meet regularly around the Lord’s Table to remember the sacrifice of Jesus Christ for us. Praying together in groups and as a whole church is very important to us.
- The Family...
We desire to promote a sense of family, where all are of equal value and where ministry to children is as important as ministry to adults. We want all to come into a personal relationship with Jesus, to love and worship Him, to have a living knowledge of the Bible, and an interactive prayer life. We encourage all who have accepted Jesus as their personal saviour to witness to their faith in Believer’s Baptism.
- Teaching...
The preaching and teaching of God’s word is an essential part of learning together and is aimed at being practical and experiential in nature. Opportunity should be given for public response to The Word. We believe group Bible study to be a helpful means of discerning and applying God’s word and groups meet partly for this purpose.
- Ministry...
The members have appointed a Minister to give spiritual leadership and elect Deacons to manage the church. We also believe that each member has a ministry as part of the Body of Christ. (1 Cor. 12 v 12; Eph. 4 v 16)
- Service...
We believe that all believers should be equipped and prepared to demonstrate their faith in practical service within the home, the church, and the community at large.
- Mission...
We believe that we should be involved in God’s work nationally and world-wide as well as locally. We should participate in mission through prayer and practical support and in sending people where God calls, be it local, national, or overseas ministry.
Registered Charity Number: X20357 © Tony Harris 03/01/2025