Previous Ministers

Our minister, Paul (click for larger picture)

Rev Paul Wilson BSc BD MTh
(2001 - 2004 )

Born: 11 January 1956 in Carryduff (honestly!) Northern Ireland.
Married: 3 July 1981 - Anne; Daughter - Annabelle; Son - Douglas.
BSc Herriot Watt University, Edinburgh.
BD Queens, Belfast College.
Assistant, Victoria Drive, Eastbourne, Sussex, 1989-1995.
Eastgate, Lewes, Sussex, 1997-1998.
Middle Wall, Whitstable, Kent, 2001-2004.

So, that’s his CV: what about the person? The best way to find out what our present minister is really like is to ask his family!

First, a son’s view on his dad…
My dad, the Reverend Paul Wilson, is a loving, kind man who despite tough times keeps his faith strong in the Lord. He can be annoying to me, Annie and others, but that’s just his Irish humour for you.
Despite that he can be very funny, usually with his jokes (most of them bad!) He is also a friendly person with no grudges against anybody. As a minister he is brilliant as he is so direct and makes sure to spread the Lord’s love and word in each of his services. At times he can get very down if he is feeling under a lot of stress, but he is still able to keep strong in Jesus. As a father he is lovely, has lots of patience, can guide you in the right way if you’re confused and he is a great encouragement.

Next is Annabelle…
My dad is a caring, kind, and compassionate person: easy to get on with and very pastoral. As an insider, I know Dad always puts his best efforts into his work as a minister for Whitstable Baptist Church. He seeks and trusts the Lord in all he does, praying often for others as well as himself.

And finally, from Anne…
It’s impossible to sum up someone I know so well in a few sentences – but here is my inadequate attempt: First and foremost Paul is a servant of Christ and makes every effort to honour his Lord. He is kind and caring, hard working and extremely conscientious (at times a bit of a perfectionist.) He seeks to do his best and hates to think that he has let someone down.
He can be great fun and likes to ‘wind up’ those closest to him, (we’ve learned to deal with it!) Like everyone he has his faults and foibles – like having to re-watch the end of films as he had fallen asleep during the last 15 minutes. He hates traffic queues and is loath to do a U-turn whenever we take a wrong turning when driving, (of course it’s always the navigator’s fault!)
However his good points more than make up for any faults and there is no-one else I would rather have spent the last 30 years with, (not even Cliff!)

So that’s the “inside” view in 2011. What follows is a bit of background…
The Rev. Paul Wilson BSc BD MTh, was inducted as our minister on 23rd June 2001. He worked part-time for a few weeks, getting to know his new “family”, until he moved into the manse in July 2001. He was previously a Town Planner in Outer Glasgow (good to know if you are planning an extension!)
Other information - Known as “Paddy” at University in Scotland; fell for Anne as she owned a brilliant Yamaha guitar! Has a reputation for leading hikes and getting lost - although, in fairness, everyone gets home - eventually!

Our Minister and his family - click for a larger picture.
The Wilson Family (2011)

Registered Charity Number: X20357 © Tony Harris 30/06/2024