Previous Deacons

Jean - our Secretary (click for larger picture)

Jean R.
(1998 - 2004)

A favourite exercise of mine is walking, and a regular walk takes me to Tankerton Circus and up along Tankerton Slopes.  Have you discovered our little park opposite the entrance to the castle?  I love looking out over the railings to the sea - it’s like being in the top of a forest.  Then down past the tea gardens (haven’t those volunteers made a lovely job of that garden?) and the gingerbread house on the corner.

Red sails in the sunset How does God manage to make every sunset different, and each one beautiful?

I’ve been told to walk in the water, not on it!  My friend Lai-Ching recommended it for my bad back - she said the water supports all my back beautifully while allowing it to move.  It reminded me of a Bible study reading recently that compared Christians to rough stones that needed other Christians in the church to smooth them down to round pebbles, like those found on the beach.  However, the rough stones on the beach need the sea to lubricate them so they don’t end up in little pieces.  In the same way we need the sea of God’s love to lubricate us as we rub off the “rough edges” of other Christians.

The sea of God’s love has been so evident to me in the love I have received from my Christian brothers and sisters - without it I would have ended up in pieces!

Keep on loving - it covers a multitude of sins!

Jean R.

Registered Charity Number: X20357 © Tony Harris 26/06/2019