Previous Deacons

Gill (click for larger picture)

(2005 - 2006)

I was born into a Christian family at Gravesend in Kent. My parents attended a Strict Baptist Church in Gravesend and from a baby I went with them. I have one brother who lives in France with his family. During my childhood, until I was about 18 years old, I attended Church, Sunday School and Youth Groups at various denominations, but in my heart I was still a ‘Baptist’.

In 1966, three years after I was married, my husband and I moved to Whitstable. I attended Whitstable Baptist Church and joined the Young Wives Club, later changing to Ladies Contact Club, owing to the fact they all weren’t so young, and unmarried ladies weren’t sure if they could come to the meetings! During this time we had two sons. I attended our Church until 1976 when we moved to Cheshire, and in 1982 moved to Hertfordshire.

In 1998 my husband and I move back to Whitstable, our two sons having lives of their own by this time. I returned to the church and found a few friendly faces from 1976 still around! I joined the Ladies Contact Club and after about a couple of years found myself as Secretary, which I still am. (Never volunteer for anything in the Baptist Church!).

I believe my husband and I were guided back to Whitstable so that I could attend this welcoming Church again. My regular attendance at this Church, and joining the Bible Study Group, have both helped to make my faith stronger. My Baptism (click for larger picture) In November 2000 I became a communicant member, but didn't feel that I had been called to be baptised. During the summer of 2004 we sang the lovely hymn “In Christ alone my hope is found, He is my light, my strength, my song”. I suddenly felt the time was right and God was calling me, through this hymn, to be baptised. I was baptised on 1st August 2004, with another lady, which was a wonderful experience.

Looking back over my life I realise that I have been blessed in so many ways. Even during the years that I did not attend Church God did not desert me.

I feel very humbled and delighted that I was nominated, and then elected, to be a Deacon of this Church. I will endeavour to do my utmost, with God’s help, to serve this Church and it’s fellowship to the best of my ability.

Matthew 3 v 10 - ‘Worship the Lord your God, and serve Him only’


Registered Charity Number: X20357 © Tony Harris 26/06/2019