EventsCalendarWe keep a calendar for the year ahead so you can plan your holidays accordingly! Click here to see the Church Calendar - then click any item/event for more details. If you would like more information about any event, or about us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our contacts page. Anniversary![]() For our 140th Anniversary, in 2009, we produced a new history book (can you have “new” history?) which charts the ups and downs of our church over those first 140 years. It contains the complete text of the two booklets produced for our earlier anniversaries - the 75th (1944) and 100th (1969), and some previously unpublished articles from earlier ministers and members. The final section covers the forty years since 1969 and brings it right up to date (almost!). It costs £5.00 and you can order your own copy on-line here. From Prison Cell to PulpitCoincidentally, the local “Whitstable Times” newspaper published an article ~ “From Prison Cell to Pulpit” - an intriguing headline which referred to an incident in 1908 when the minister at the time caused no little concern by preaching on the street corner - and getting arrested! A full transcript of the case, as reported in the Canterbury Herald of 15th August 1908, may be seen here. If you would like more information about any event, or about us, please don’t hesitate to get in touch via our Contacts page. Registered Charity Number: X20357 © Tony Harris 09/05/2024 |