this is an experimental page, currently under development on behalf of the Whitstable Echo

Whitstable Echo.



The Whitstable Echo

your local talking newspaper

This is the Whitstable Echo, your local Talking Newspaper for the blind and visually impaired – bringing you news and views of what's happening in Whitstable, and much more besides.

Each issue is compiled by courtesy of the Whitstable Gazette, edited by various members of our team, and then read by two or three different readers each week and recorded by one of our engineers in our studio provided by the Whitstable Harbour Master.

Originally, the recordings were then distributed by post, on C90 cassette tapes, to our listeners. As technology improved we switched to using data sticks – and that will continue.

But, recently, we have introduced this additional option of listening here on the internet. Giving those of our listeners who are able to use this facility, further choice.

As well as letting you listen to the latest issue, this also gives us the opportunity to make the last few weeks available so you can catch up if you missed an edition.

Whichever way you choose to listen, we hope you enjoy it!

© Tony Harris 04/11/2019